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Freesia Plants

Q.Help With Freesia

Zone DE13 0FQ | Anonymous added on November 28, 2021 | Answered

Laast year I planted Freesia corms in a trough and had a nice show. Earlier this year they started to come up but no flowers and gradually all died, looked as if I had overwatered. Since then they have, in October, started to grow again and one is 12/15 inches tall with flower heads on. Is this natural or have I done something wrong?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 29, 2021

Here are care instructions you can follow in the link below. They do need a lot of moisture while growing, but once the flowers fade, let the soil dry out. The foliage will die back naturally. I looked up your average weather, and it appears your coldest temps are around 37 degrees F (3 C), so you should not have to dig them up in the fall. Make sure they have full sun or only light shade.



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