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Porcelain Berry Vine

Q.Help! Unripe Berries Keep Falling Off The Vine.

Zone 80537 | grtroes added on August 5, 2022 | Answered

Ampelopsis brevipedunculata is extremely hard to grow and hard to keep alive in north central Colorado. I am trying to get berries from my vine so I can plant vines along a fence. But only five or six berries reach maturity. The rest just fall off. No birds, bugs, etc. A berry is on the vine at nightfall, gone the next morning. I know how to keep the vine alive and producing blooms. We have an army of wasps who do the germinating but they are gone by sundown, I need ideas, please! (These vines grew like weeds in Nebraska.) glenn Loveland CO

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 5, 2022

Yes, unfortunately, you are at the very edge of what they can survive. The, utmost, perfect care will be required to get them to grow well in your area. This includes extra mulching!


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