Q.Help To Save A Young Cherry Kwanzan Which Has Not Bloomed This Year
Hoping you can help us save a Cherry Kwanzan tree that we was planted back in 2015. Last year it bloomed though a bit late. But this year the buds seemed to have come , but it never bloomed or got the leaves – Please see the pictures attached. The branches are still strong and seem to have life in them Wonder if it got infected with any pests and based on what you see if you can recommend anything that we can do to save it ! Appreciate your help. This is in central NJ

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I suspect a few things. First, let's address those marks on the bark. Those are called lenticels and are a normal part of all species within the Prunus genus.
Now, the first thing that I would do is test the soil for pH swings, and nutrient imbalances. These articles will help:
Usually, that will show you exactly what is wrong. In the case that the test come back within optimal ranges, you can move on to the next issue.
Overwatering throughout the tree's early planting can bring about disease. Cherry trees are sensitive to many diseases. Fungicides may be necessary. This article will help:
This article will help you with the, general, care of your tree: