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Watering Plants

Q.Help To Keep Plants Watered Without Overwatering And Prevent Burning The Leaves?

Zone Colorado | Cadman added on May 18, 2022 | Answered

I have a Majesty Palm and a Monsterra I am trying to grow so I followed the instructions on the tag to water once a week. But I live in a dry environment so by end of the week, both had yellowing of branches and leaves so I watered them again. But then they were both drooping *(assumingly from overwatering despite being in pots with drain holes)* so I asked someone how to fix that and they recommended putting them outside in the sun to help the plants by evaporating the moisture in the pot’s soil. But I put them outside for 1 day and now they both have burned leaves. Can anyone tell me how to prevent the plants from drying out while also avoiding overwatering them? And also how to prevent plant leaves from getting burned?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 20, 2022

Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. I am unable to see the damage.

I really dislike watering instructions on plants. They are quite deceiving, in my opinion. The best way to approach watering will be to do so once the top 3 or 4 inches of soil dries out, completely.

Make sure that your container has drainage holes to allow all extra water out. If your container holds water, then it could be that the roots remain saturated.

Lighting can be tricky for both plants, as well. Generally, they will have very similar care and light requirements. They enjoy bright light, indirect light, but can handle some full sun if exposed in small increments over a long period of time to acclimate.

Using a soil moisture meter is recommended. You want the top to dry out, but do not let the middle portion or bottom of the rootball to dry out. Also, do not let the middle or bottom portions of the rootball to remain "wet" according to the meter.

This article will help you to use a moisture meter:


These articles will help you with the proper care of the plants in question:





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