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Yucca Plants

Q.Help my yucca

Zone Uk | Fbam@sky.com added on February 20, 2016 | Answered

Please help. I think my yucca is dying…not sure what is wrong with it. Online searches bring up conflicting advice.

I bought the yucca last year from Ikea and it has been doing well. Quite suddenly the plant started to curl in a tube type fashion and went a light green in colour. After much online searching, I supposed that the soil was of poor quality, so made my own mix of horticultural gravel and soil and ensured that the pot was well drained.

I do wait until the soil is dry before watering and it is in a bright location. Recently, I have noticed that there are dark lines/dots on the leaves, only on a few; and although the yucca is producing new leaves, these are also light green and curl. I have uploaded pictures in the hope you can help me revive my yucca to its former glory! Please note I moved my plant in front of the window to more closely inspect the leaves and in a last ditch attempt to revive it having read that it needs a lot of light… Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 21, 2016

Here is a link that will help you pinpoint the reason for leaf curl.


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