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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Help, My Peach Tree Is Dying

marieingham added on July 7, 2011 | Answered

My son bought me a patio peach tree for Mother’s Day this year and it was growing fine, looking healthy until this week. The leaves started to look like the plant was dry, but it wasn’t; and tonight I’ve come home from work and there are hardly any leaves left on it. On closer inspection there are three blobs of what I can only describe as looking like clear glue on the trunk, sort of hard to touch but upon pressing become softer. Have you any idea what it is, and is there any way of treating it before it dies?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 11, 2011

It sound like you have peach borers. This article will help:

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