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Kalanchoe Plants

Q.HELP!!!! My kalanchoe is dying :(

sunshineflowers added on April 10, 2019 | Answered


I own a kalanchoe and it’s been around a month since I got it. At first everything seemed to go well, however, the leaves seemed unhealthy (wilted quick, turned yellow). I assumed it was overwatering so I stopped watering for a while and it seemed fine. The first flower bloomed and I was extremely happy but a few days later the flower fell off. Then the second bloomed and the same thing happened. At the moment the flowers that didn’t bloom yet have turned into a different colour and I’m really clueless about what’s happening. So many leaves have fallen off to the point it looks unpleasant.

I’ve put in a lot of effort to take care of the plant but I’m not sure where I went wrong 🙁 Please help me save my plant, I would really appreciate it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 13, 2019

The flowers will fade in color as they age.
Do not overwater, soil should dry between waterings.
Here is an article to refresh you on the care.

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