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Hyacinth Plant

Q.jelly substance near one of my trees

Zone Blaine wa | bebs1978@gmail.com added on March 10, 2015 | Answered

I found this jelly substance near one of my trees. It is deep in the roots. I would like to know if this is some type of poison that can hurt my pets. I found this gelatin substance in my tree from far away, and it looks like broken glass – extremely shiny. When you get close to it, the gelatin-like substance is about a foot in the ground next to the tree. None of the other trees have this. It’s just this particular one. I have two dogs and I’m wondering if this is poisonous, though it didn’t seem to have an odor and it’s clear.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 10, 2015

It is difficult to conjecture without additional information. What type of tree is this? Is the tree exhibiting any other problems or anything else out of the norm? Is the jelly actually touching the tree - if so, what parts of the tree? If the jelly is just on the ground near the tree, could the jelly have fallen from the branches above? Is the jelly absolutely without color? Do you have a photo you can share?

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