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Heliconia Plants

Q.Heliconia plant problem

Zone Zone 9, 32779 | Anonymous added on February 1, 2017 | Answered

I live near Orlando, FL and many neighbors grow Heliconia. I planted 4 in my waterfall garden; the area is somewhat protected from the elements. We had a couple of bouts of cold weather, with temperatures close to freezing – but not. Now the leaves are curled and dull, and the flower buds never bloomed. What should I do??

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 2, 2017

There are several varieties of Heliconia that can withstand brief temperatures as low as 40 degrees F.
It does appear to be some cold damage to your plants.
You will need to wait and see.
I would make sure to cover the plants with a cloth if the temperatures dip down again.

Here is a link that will help refresh you with care information.


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