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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Hedge advise

Zone Sn3 | Greg666 added on June 10, 2018 | Answered


I need some advise how to change my hedge to it’s old glory.

Image attached

Thankful for every advise


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 11, 2018

From this image it appears you have large die back of your English Ivy.
Dieback could be due to age, pests or disease. Is this growing on a wall or structure of some type?
More information or inspection will be needed to rule out these issues.
When an ivy plant becomes large and overgrown, it is possible to remove the older vines and rejuvenate the plant with new growth. Severe pruning in the late winter or early spring allows you to see and remove the most aggressive vines and encourage new, controllable growth. Cut stems back to a more manageable size and pull out the excess vines. Leaving at least 18 inches on each healthy vine gives them plenty of encouragement and room to grow.

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