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Hyacinth Plant

Q.health of a new tangerine tree.

Zone 32966 | scalhoun60 added on June 20, 2017 | Answered

I planted my tree 2 months ago. I live in vero beach florida. I fertilized the planting area as advised when I planted my tree. Its been watered pretty regularly but the leaves are light green with brown spots and curled. It just doesnt look healthy to me. Any advise?? I have pics if needed.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 10, 2018

opc registration charges

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Answered on September 10, 2018

visit our homepage [url=https://www.unilexconsultants.com/start-a-business/one-person-company-registration/] OPC Registration Cost [/url]

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Answered on June 22, 2017

A stressed tree can drop leaves, but spots and curled leaves can indicate pests or disease.

Look for signs of pests; they can be very small.
Avoid water splashing unto the leaves; watering deeply and slowly with a small trickle of water at the drip line is preferred. Careful monitoring of moisture levels in the the first 3 months is recommended. Soil should dry slightly between waterings.
These articles have more information.



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