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Hawthorn Trees


Zone 55410 | Anonymous added on July 25, 2023 | Answered

I’ve had my hawthorn for 5 years. Two years ago the RUST showed up on the leaves and berries. The following Spring, I used Daconil and pruned it in the fall. The following Spring, it didn’t show up as much on the leaves and berries. This year I did the first dose of Daconil in the Spring and it leafed out with barely any rust on the leaves but maybe 10% of the berries now have those ugly tendrils coming out. It’s now July 25th. When should I hit it with it’s second dose? Any and all advice is appreciated

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 27, 2023

The second dose is usually due in early summer. Follow the instructions on the fungicide you are using. Continue to prune out branches where you can to lessen the transmission of the disease and improve the appearance of your tree.

Once symptoms appear, the tree cannot be cured, but you can prolong its life with the measures you are taking.



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