Q.Harvesting Butternut Squash
I have some butternut that are still a bit green. So far, we’ve had warm weather and should have for at least another ten days. I know the signs for a ripe butternut, having grown them several years. My question is: if they do not turn tan and remain with some green, will they ripen if I pick them? Thanks.
You can try ripening the Butternut squash by keeping them at 80 to 85 degrees with 80 to 85 % humidity for 10 days after removing them from the vine.
Growers use this curing system to improve storage life, ripen immature fruit and harden the skin.
Curing does not improve the flavor of immature fruit, so unless the squash are nearly ripe, you may not want to bother with this.
If you do ripen some Butternut squash in this manner, eat these squash first.