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Gunnera Plants

Q.Gunnera Manicata

Zone London, UK | petarmatic added on May 15, 2018 | Answered

My Gunnera Manicata got frost damaged this winter, and now it’s stump looks quite dead, with no new growth on it (normally, by now, there would be quite large leaves). However, at the very bottom of the stump, there are a few tiny leaves pushing through, more like a new plants from the roots below.
My question is, should I cut off the stump, which is unsightly, and looks dead, or is there a chance that there still may be some life in it?
Many Thanks,

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 15, 2018

If there is a replacement plant coming up, then it may be time to cut the dead stump out. Most plants will replace themselves if there is a threat of death. This is natural, and cannot be avoided sometimes.

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