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Gunnera Plants

Q.Gunnera macata

Zone Grimsby, North east lincolnshire | edandlizzie added on August 13, 2017 | Answered

Had a Gunnera in a pot for a couple of years now, it is doing ok and is about four feet high and across, it has not flowered yet and has about 6 leaves, the largest is about 16inches. Am thinking of taking it out of the pot and planting it into the ground. Is it okay to do this now or should I wait until March/April? Last year we covered the cown with its leaves in winter, ive been advised to use felt backed carpet? Also would u advise watering it over winter or not? The leaves have brown spots on them, we think this may be dow to the roots not being able to get enough moisture do to the pot?
Thanks for reading this


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 15, 2017

This link will help you with care information.

Leaves are a good insulator of cold temperatures.

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