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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Growing Red Peppers

addthes7 added on March 3, 2013 | Answered

I am growing red peppers from seed indoors currently and they have reached about 5″ but look rather spindly. Do I need to pinch out the top flush of leaves? Thank you in advance for your response.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 3, 2013

Vegetable seedlings need tons of light. If you don't have a sunny windowsill (5 hours or more), consider supplemental light. An inexpensive shop light using one cool white and one warm white bulb will work, IF you have the seedlings close enough to the bulbs, 6-10 inches. The link below shows how one person made a grow chamber, but the grow light works for me: http://suburbanvegetablegardening.com/poor-mans-grow-lighting/

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