Q.growing iceberg roses
We reside in Georgia and planted a row of Iceberg roses to create a shrubby look along the western side of our home. However, we find that they look very “stocky” with very few leaves and flowers. They are planted in compost enriched ground and are sprayed with garden care rose food and Rose Care regularly. Please help- so desperate and disappointed at this stage.
It could be a problem with too much nitrogen in the soils and fertilizers used. Usually too much nitrogen produces an abundance of foliage and no many blooms. When you say stocky, it sounds like they are leggy which means no foliage or limited foliage and few blooms. If that is truly the case, it could be a mix of nitrogen issues and insects getting after the foliage. I would recommend pruning them way back and let new growth come back in, perhaps the foliage and blooms will return. Use organic rose food available in your area that is a more balanced food for them. If that does not work, it might be time to consider replanting using some David Austin Shrub roses. They can make an awesome edge like you desire.