Q.Growing horseradish indoors
I have a robust horseradish plant in my garden. I read your article on propagation. I will be moving from this house in the spring. I would like to take some horseradish plants with me so I can plant them at my new home. My question is, should I try to cultivate the plants I want to take with me indoors in a pot? Should they be in a cooler place? Cold place? I live in Pittsburgh, PA
Thank you
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They will do well in container. They will also do fine outdoors in that area, and even becoming invasive. If you would like to take some in container it will do just fine, but at some point you may want to plant it outdoors.
This article will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/horseradish/horseradish-care-in-pots.htm