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Holly Bushes

Q.Growing holly as landscape schrubs

Zone Quinlan Tx 75474 | Exterminatordanman added on August 8, 2017 | Answered

I can buy the babies in pots. I like to purchase from independent garden supply dealers. But they don’t all agree as to the best depth of the schrubs and the distance apart. I want the male hollies because my grandchildren like to pick and throw things. So I want male hollies in the back against the house and all the way around the chain link fence so that there are no berries to throw.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 13, 2017

Choose Holly varieties that are suitable to your growing zone. Local garden centers are a great place to shop for varieties that meet the needs of your region.
The distance that you plant your Holly plants apart can vary from the variety to how you want them to appear in your landscape. If you want a hedge appearance, you may want to plant them closer together. You will want to look at the tags and determine the mature size of the plants.

The depth that you plant them will be the same depth that they are in the container. You will dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the container for proper planting.


You can also talk with your County Extension Office for a list of Holly plants suited to your zone.


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