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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Growing hardy kiwi on a trellis

Zone 39532 | rianmckeown added on March 27, 2016 | Answered

So I built a trellis and planted a couple of kiwi vines. From what I understand, the first year you let the main trunk grow to the height you want. The second year you let two buds at the top of the trunk branch out across the trellis (I believe these are called cordons). Either the second or third year canes will grow off of the cordons and these canes are when the fruit is produced. This is my question. If you look at my picture, you will be able to see the first year growth and where I trimmed them back in the winter to my desired height as well as the new second year growth. Will the second year growth (red line) in the picture be the cordon or will I need to wait until a bud or two off of the actual main trunk (the yellow line) start to grow?

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