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Hyacinth Plant

Q.growing grass in Charlotte, NC

Zone Charlotte, NC 28273 | kconrad56 added on February 24, 2016 | Answered

Can you recommend what type of grass seed to use in Charlotte, NC? It is in full sun, yet when it rains, there is one area that is wet and another section that isn’t. Any other suggestions for a “first timer” planting grass?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 25, 2016

You may need to do some work investigating the drainage issues with your lawn.
Correcting drainage and soil content prior to planting will save you time and money.
I would also suggest you contact your local County Extension Office.
They will be able to give you the best seed or sod choice for you area.
They also can generally make recommendations for local landscape designer or lawn companies.
They can also help with a soil test.

Here is a link that will help you find your local office.

Here are several links to help you get started.



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