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Guara Plants

Q.Growing Gaura

Zone Southern UK | Anonymous added on November 1, 2018 | Answered

I have a Gaura which has been grown in a pot for two years. Can i transplant it into the flower bed?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 1, 2018

I am in the US where winter low temps are expected to reach -23 C. Gaura grows well here in full sun. It also blooms in part shade although not as prolifically. Gaura prefers a soil that is on the dry side and is not compacted. Transplanting at this time of year is my concern. A transplant should have 4-6 weeks to get roots established in its new position before a hard freeze arrives. Gaura relies on a strong taproot for accessing moisture during winter. If your plant has been in the pot for several years and it is less than 20cm deep, you may need to straighten the taproot. They are rigid on top and more flexible near the bottom. Most taproot plants "resent" being transplanted but it can be done. Water the plant well a day or 2 ahead of time to fill the root with moisture so it is less likely to break. (I would also cut the top growth back by half.) Make sure to dig the hole deep enough to accommodate a straight taproot. Apply mulch this first winter. If you have a dry spell this autumn or winter, water the plant gently due to the late transplant. Gaura will self-sow in the garden. Seedlings are easily hand-pulled or transplanted while they are under 5 cm. More care information is in this article: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/gaura/growing-gaura-plants.htm

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