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Coneflower Plants

Q.Growing coneflower/enchinea from seed

Anonymous added on October 22, 2014 | Answered

I have tried growing coneflowers from seed, both the regular and hybrids, and have had no luck at all. I just received some more and currently have them in the refrigerator because I’ve read they need to stratify. I’ve tried winter sowing and direct sowing. I’m in NC, zone 7, and was wondering if you could suggest any tips for growing them. Thanks so much.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 23, 2014

Have you watered the area in the spring? The seeds need water in the spring after winterizing. In most cases, normal rainfall is enough, but if there is a water shade, like a tree or overhang, that is blocking rain from getting on the seeds, this would reduce germination. If you feel they may be in a water shade, you may want to water them some in the spring.

Also, the seeds only need the very lightest of covering with soil. Spread the seeds and only sprinkle a bit of soil over them.

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