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Celery Plants

Q.Growing Celery Under A Grow Light

Zone Sheboygan, WI | Anonymous added on May 23, 2021 | Answered

Hi, I live in an apartment with very little sunlight, so I use my two grow-light gardens to provide light for my plants. I had hoped to plant the second one in my garden at my son’s place, but in Wisconsin the weather is rough right now. This winter and spring, I had started an (organic) base of celery twice under the light, in soil, and it loves it at first. the shoots get to about 6 inches long, last a few months, then both suddenly collapsed and went too limp, the stems falling off into my hand. This time, I didn’t just dump the dirt from the pot, but worked through it to see what happened, if the base rotted. The celery base had totally disappeared!! and all that was left in the soil was the thin roots. Not a bit of the bottom from the stalk was any where in there. Why do my celery plants take off beautifully, then suddenly just collapse and die so quickly, apparently disolving in the organic soil. Or should it have been in water all along? I have successfully planted celery before at my son’s place, but started these last two at home and did not transfer to the garden. Would have next week. Thank you for any advice you can give me.

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