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Cabbage Plants

Q.Growing Cabbage in North Florida

Anonymous added on February 24, 2014 | Answered

My son is in third grade and growing a cabbage as part of a project for science. The supplier of Bonnie growers gave each of the children a plant to start in the garden. We have had our plant for two weeks. We prepared a spot for the plant and placed it in the ground. The area was fertilized with cow manure. It looked a little dry this morning, so it was watered with a drip hose for quite a while. However, this afternoon the plant appears to be a little over watered. The leaves are a bit droppy. What should we do to help the plant? Would it better to put the plant in a large pot as opposed to the ground with Miracle Grow? The area in which the garden is located is an area that receives a lot of afternoon sun.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 24, 2014

It should be fine as long as you let the soil dry out some before watering it again. This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/cabbage/growing-cabbage.htm

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