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Fennel Plants

Q.Growing bulb fennel

Zone Zone 5 NH | nhlass added on January 17, 2016 | Answered

Thanks for the follow on Twitter! I was successful once growing bulb fennel (Orion) in the ground, at the edge of a flower bed. I’ve since moved and have dedicated one raised bed to fennel. I get nothing but skinny plants that bolt before any growth, and that’s with bolt-resistant varieties. I’ve added organic compost each year, but I still get nothing. Will it not grow in a raised bed? I’m hesitant to put it in the ground in my veggie garden because it’s small and I don’t want the allelopathic problem killing other plants. Thanks for any help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 18, 2016

Florence Fennel needs quality moist soil in a sunny location.
Plant as soon as danger of frost is passed but when the soil has began to warm.

Space about 12" apart and make sure they stay moist. If they dry out, they bolt.
As the bulb forms you need to pull the soil up around the bulb.
Add a balanced fertilizer every 2 weeks during the growing season.
Harvest when the bulbs are the size of tennis balls.

You are correct that Fennel does not have many friends in the garden.
I like to plant my in among my perennials. It seems quite happy there!
Keep Dill away as this can cross pollinate.



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