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Bell Pepper Plants

Q.Growing Bell Peppers

Anonymous added on July 17, 2015 | Answered

I live in Texas and want to grow red bell peppers. I read several articles that say to keep the plant warm, and so plant it after Memorial Day. However, since Texas is so hot, would the plants survive if I grew them in the spring/middle of summer, or can I start them towards the middle or end of summer and harvest them in the fall?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 19, 2015

Yes, if where you are stays above 50F that long. That is the magic temp for peppers. They will produce if temps (including night time) stay above 50F. If you live in an area that will allow them to reach maturity and never see 50F weather before then, then you can do this.

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