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Bean Plants

Q.Growing Beans In Pots Using Potting Mix .

Zone Newcastle | Batista224 added on January 10, 2024 | Answered

Most commercial potting mix is devoid of the correct microbes to initiate nitrogen fixing by legume plants like beans. The Bean plant may develop yellow leaves because it can’t fix nitrogen no matter how much is actually available in the potting mix. Using an inoculant when planting the seed like CC511 for common beans would kick off microbial action and allow the bean plant to start fixing it’s own nitrogen . Failing that if the leaves are yellow growers will need to feed supplemental soluble nitrogen fertilizer not pelleted to keep the plant going and it may correct it’s self after a few weeks . Growing in the natural soil especially where beans have been grown before is different to growing in pots as most people will use commercial potting mix in pots anyway . It’s an area that the commercial potting mix suppliers could improve .

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 10, 2024

This is very true, but it is worth noting that we do not offer any products for purchase, nor do we recommend anything from a particular company.

With some research, you may find that these soils exist already. If not, then it may be a good idea to bring it up with your local extension service.

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