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Basil Plants

Q.Growing Basil

Zone Singapore | Anonymous added on August 24, 2021 | Answered

I like to grow basil, when you buy the plant its very young in general. The leaves are nice and curved and the basil gives off that familiar smell. I find over time as you pick the basil more and more and it starts to flower, and the leaves grow crinkled, not like when you first have it with the beautiful curved leaves. At the same time, the leaves don’t give off the same smell, well to me anyway, and i find it has a more bitter aroma and I feel it actually takes on a petrol / diesel aroma. Ive grown dozens off plants and tried many things, so I don’t understand why this happens or what to do. Obviously as it flowers more this happens more, I cut the flowers and the stalks also go woodier. Do you know what Im talking about and can you help?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 8, 2021

Unfortunately, this happens as the plant ages. There is little that you can do, as it matures into a small shrub. What you can do is pick, only, new growth and keep flowers pruned away. Older leaves will be bitter, as will young leaves when flowers are present.

Here are some articles that will help:



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