Q.Growing A Moss Lawn – Will It Creep Onto My Concrete Driveway?
Hi, I have some moss on my front lawn already, so I thought I would make my whole front lawn a moss lawn. The question I have is if I choose to do this will the moss begin to creep onto my concrete driveway? So far, the established mossy areas are in the centre of my lawn, not close enough to my driveway. But, if I encourage its growth along the driveway border, will it creep? I have poor, compacted clay soil – with very poor drainage! It goes from very dry, to very wet when it rains – which in the Maritimes happens frequently. There is also a lot of ants. Will moss discourage ants or welcome them? Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If your driveway is in the shade and moist then there is a possibility that it might.
Here is a collection of articles that will give you some information on the subject of mosses:
Thank you for answering. I've read that article, and many others, but they didn't answer my specific question. So, thanks for responding. The concrete is not in the shade, but water runs off the driveway onto the bordering grass..that's where I'm concerned about it spreading. But, like you said, if the driveway/border grass is not in the shade, then the presence of flowing water in the sun shouldn't help it to spread, correct?