Q.Grow Lights And UV Hazards To Humans
I recently changed to LED GROW lights that have full spectrum. I am in the same room as the lights. What harm can occur from this? I already have skin feeling taut, eyes hurting, after being in room. I tried separating the lights with use of cardboard to no avail. As a homebound person, I have no other place to grow except for my bedroom. My plants have not responded to regular grow lights that are not full spectrum. How can I get my plants and fruit trees to grow and produce under other light sources? Is there anything I can do to coexist with the lights without harm to me? I hope that you can help me! Thank you!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
While grow lights are considered safe, since you will be around them for long periods, you can take precautions to protect yourself from overexposure to the blue light and UV rays. Wear grow glasses or sunglasses to protect against the UV rays. Hang lights about 8 feet off the ground and try to work three feet from any light source that contains UV rays. Keep your skin covered with long sleeve shirts, etc.