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Geranium Plants

Q.Grow Light for Geraniums

Zone 02184 | Anonymous added on October 30, 2021 | Answered

I am going to try to overwinter my geraniums in pot in a basement location that has no outside windows for light. I bought a grow light and have placed them under it. please advise on the following: how far below the grow light should the pots be? how many hours a day should the grow light be on? would plain florescent shop lights also work for the geraniums? Thank you, Jan Barris

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 2, 2021

You can leave the lights on about four to six hours in the evening. You can adjust the length between the light and the plants when you see how they respond, but I would start with them about 1 foot from the plant. If the plants start getting leggy, move the light closer. And yes, fluorescent lights work well, too.


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