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Orchid Plants

Q.Ground orchids

Zone Melbourne, fl I think gardening zone 9 | corry2449 added on January 18, 2016 | Answered

Will ground orchids grow in oak trees?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 19, 2016

Yes, you can attach the orchid to an Oak Tree. The bark is suitable for attachment by an orchid.
Attach to the south side of the tree for good sunlight.
Use a nylon chord to attach the Orchid since it will take up to a year for the roots to attach.
You will need to water and mist the Orchid daily.
Protect the roots with a ball of sphagnum moss. Fertilize the Orchid once a month with a mist of Orchid fertilizer to the roots. Do this during the active growing period.


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