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Huckleberry Plants

Q.Green Spiders on My Huckleberry Plants

Anonymous added on January 26, 2014 | Answered

I have green spiders that develop on my huckleberry plants as the fruit starts to ripen. Is there a way of disposing of them organicically? I really hate to spray, as the berries taste so good as they are. They don’t really bother me, but over the years there seem to be getting more and more of them.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 26, 2014

Spiders don't harm plants and can be beneficial in keeping unwanted pests from getting at the fruit and plant. If there seems to be very many of them, the best organic method would be to simply use your water hose to spray down the plants and knock the spiders off. It won't get rid of them all, but will reduce how many there are of them. To be honest, if they do seem to be hanging around, they are probably well fed off pests from the plant and may be keeping your fruit safe from those pests.

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