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Green Pepper Plants

Q.Green Pepper Plant

Anonymous added on June 3, 2011 | Answered

I am growing green pepper plant in a bin with a tomato plant. The leaves now look like something has eaten some of them. They blossom and then a pepper starts to grow and then when it is small, the stem part where the pepper is growing turns black. And now the other plants in other bins (also pepper plants) have blossoms that look like they died. I have sprayed them with a ‘green product’ that is supposed be soapy and the bugs can’t get on the plant. This product is for plants and vegetables and it is from last year. Is there hope for these plants?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 4, 2011

Bell peppers often have a purple-black coloration at points where stems meet, but if the black color is a solid black and the area is shriveled, this would indicate the black are is the issue. As for the dying blossoms, it is either a lack of water or pollination is not happening fully. Increase water and give the peppers a little shake when they are in flower. This will help with pollination. You may also find this article helpful:

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