Q.Green orchid bulb from Burma
I have been given an orchid bulb with roots, which came from Burma, as I am a complete orchid lover and have several plants which are always flowering in my home. I have planted the bulb in orchid compost, watered it with rainwater, but do I need to provide more humidity to start the growing process? Please help, as I would really love to get this little fellow growing. Many thanks.
It's kind of hard to know about humidity, etc, when you don't know what kind of orchid you have. There must be several hundred kinds in Burma. If you're anywhere near a botanical garden, you might take your orchid to them to see if they can identify it, or if they can guide you to an orchid expert who might know about it. I do know it's hard to tell about many of them without seeing the flowers, but an expert could probably identify at least the family, and give you a general idea of care. Lacking an identification, I would kind of go for the middle ground - take care of it pretty much like you're caring for the others, and hope for the best. This article might have some tips you haven't encountered before: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/orchids/indoor-orchid-care.htm