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Pachysandra Plants

Q.Green Carpet’ Pachysandra Planted

Zone 66215 | Kathy Olsen added on August 9, 2023 | Answered

I just planted Green Carpet’ Pachysandra around a Beautiful white ash tree with lots of roots. Can I give these new little plants coffee grounds? What is another ground covering I can plant around another tree with lots of roots and easy to grow? I am a real GARDEN NOVICE.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 10, 2023

You can. I like using spent grounds to be sure that there isn't too much nitrogen present. There are a few things that you can attempt to grow under the tree, but Pachysandra will tend to take over, pretty invasively. Here are some articles that will help:





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