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Mulberry Trees

Q.Green Bumps On Mulberry Leaves

Zone 08857 | sistersue added on June 12, 2020 | Answered

My neighbor just hacked away at a wild non-fruiting mulberry tree adjacent to my property. She insisted the green bumps were insect eggs. I don’t think they are since not all leaves have them and the leaves were mot chewed by anything. Actually is was a really healthy looking tree. She destroyed half of the tree. What are the green bumps that look like small peas on the underside of the leaves. What can I do to undo some of the damage she caused. That is after I clean up the mess of leaves and branches.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 12, 2020

She is right. They are insect eggs, and even mature specimens on occasion.

Galls are, usually, harmless in most cases, though.

Mulberry trees will really enjoy a thorough pruning, so she did no harm in doing so.

Here are some articles that will help:



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