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Ornamental Grasses

Q.grasses and sedges that look somewhat alike

Zone Evanston, IL 60202 | m38m added on May 14, 2017 | Answered

I am the volunteer gardener for my American Gothic church in the Chicago area. We want to put in very simple, low growing foundation plants with a preference for native materials. The building is on E/W axis resulting in full sun on the south and part to deep shade on the north. The building calls for a formal ‘balance’ and I think ornamental (? prairie dropseed) on the south and some sedge/fern mix on the north. But with thousand of sedge to choose from, I’m stymied and confused.
Can you help? Your site is one of my favorites and I appreciate your deep but concise format for plant information.
Thank you. Mary Moring

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 16, 2017

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