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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Grass growing under creeping juniper

Zone Glendale WI 53217 | Anonymous added on May 6, 2017 | Answered

How can I kill grass growing under creeping juniper without damaging the shrub? The grass is growing up through the shrub and looks unsightly. My efforts to manually pull the grass stems out doesn’t seem effective.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 7, 2017

Apply a pre-emergent herbicide around the Juniper can prevent weeds from germinating.
You will need to apply this before the weeds emerge. This can be a small time frame.
In cold climates it is early spring and warm climates it would be mid-winter.

Apply herbicides post emergent are a bit more difficult and the risk to your Juniper may be greater.

Avoid any selective herbicide that contains dicamba--Juniper are sensitive to this.
Also do not use a selective herbicide that contains glyphosate. This will kill the weeds and everything else it touches.

Read the labels carefully and make sure it targets the weed that you are wanting too.

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