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Moon Cactus


Zone 04274 | Anonymous added on March 12, 2020 | Answered

It states on the moon cactus that I purchased that it must be grafted to survive, not quite sure what that means, does it mean to cut off the babies?Thank you,Deborah

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 13, 2020

The colored cactus are grafted to a green cactus, usually the dragonfruit, to survive. Those little babies on top will not survive on their own without being grafted to one of the three suitable host cacti. Most people use dragonfruit, or hylocereus, as the green cactus. Since the babies on top do not make chlorophyll, they cannot survive without a cactus that can. These do not occur in nature.



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