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Golden Barrel Cactus

Q.Golden Barrel Cactus Brown Discolouration

Zone Douglas, Isle of Man | MariaMaria added on April 20, 2018 | Answered


I’ve noticed that recently my golden barrel cactus is starting to turn brown at the roots. I took it out of its pot and noticed the soil was a bit mouldy smelling and the roots had died. I realised that I accidentally repotted into orchid soil a few months ago and it must have got too moist. Also I’ve moved to a less sunny climate last year so it doesn’t get as much sunshine as it used too.

I removed some of the weaker thorns near the base and let it dry in the sun for a day. (See photos)
There are no roots but it isn’t mushy and doesn’t smell bad. The top half still looks green and healthy.

Do you think it can be saved?

Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 22, 2018

If the roots have already rotted off, it can be almost impossible to get it to come back. The only thing to do now is prevent this from happening again. Cacti are very drought tolerant, and should only be watered once completely dry. This will keep rotting from happening. You can also replace 1/4 of your water with peroxide when you water once every 6 months or so. This will prevent infection.

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