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Amaryllis Plants

Q.glass vases for Amyarillis

Zone 28562 | Anonymous added on December 5, 2017 | Answered

What are some of the names of the glass vases for the Amyarillis bulb.?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 7, 2017

You don't need a special glass vase for amaryllis. Any tall vase that is large enough to accommodate your bulb is fine. By being tall, it helps the plant stay upright. River or decorative rock or stones go in the bottom where water will be. This also adds weight, again to help keep the plant upright. Bulbs bloomed in water probably won't be able to regenerate the bulb for a re-bloom next year. If you want to maintain the bulb, try transferring it into a potting mix until the leaves die down. I don't recommend the smallish glass containers that hold the bulb above the water. They are too likely to tip over. You can see what one company does w/ glass vases for amaryllis at. https://www.whiteflowerfarm.com/amaryllis-glass.html

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