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Anonymous added on May 20, 2014 | Answered

Have glads in bed in front of house, planted by my 7-yr old daughter (there for 3 months) bloomed and finished. Have a few caterpillars, but my question is: the flower is gone. Is this the new bulb where the flower was, or is this the new bulb here in the ground, cause it looks like the original bulbs had babies? Which is which? Would like to save and have more flowers. Thanks in advance.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 20, 2014

The bulbs are in the ground and new ones are referred to as offsets. They will sometimes make seedpods, from the flowers, though these would take much to long to grow using seeds. In your area, the bulbs do not need to be dug up and stored for winter; however, if you want to have additional plants elsewhere in the garden, you can dig them up and divide the offsets, replanting them somewhere else. Otherwise, simply leave them be and they will continue to reproduce each year and you can divide them once they become overcrowded.

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