Please read the article linked to at the end of this response. Storing glads is easy and definitely worthwhile. After drying them, cut off the roots, remove the old corm and cormlets on the bottom but leave the onion skin covering if it is intact. I brush off clinging soil with an old, soft toothbrush. Shaking them in a bag with garden sulphur or other anti-fungal powder may protect them from fungal infection. I roll them in newspaper individually, place in a large grapefruit bag and hang them in the coolest spot in my basement. Cool and dry but above freezing are necessary conditions. Replant in spring after the soil warms. A bit of caution: glads produce many cormlets which easily break off and fall into the soil. If winter is mild, these will emerge in spring but take up to 2 years before large enough to bloom. Since I don't want dozens of these popping up in my garden, I'm very careful when I lift glads so as many remain attached as possible.