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Q.Glad Bulbs Not Flowering

Anonymous added on August 3, 2011 | Answered

I have new and old glad bulbs that this year have grown to full size but then before flowering, they all turned brown and died. Will I have to destroy them and start over or do I have a fungus of some kind? I have beans and tomato plants in the same raised bed and they are fine. The bed is only two years old.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 4, 2011

I would dig up one of the corms and see what it looks like. It could be either a fungus or a grub or rodent. The corms should be firm and whole. If they are, they should be usable, but I would treat them in a very mild bleach solution to kill any fungus that might be on them. If they are not firm, then they are dead and will need to be discarded.

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