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Insect Pest Control

Q.Getting Rid of Tent Worms

Anonymous added on April 30, 2011 | Answered

How can I get rid of tent worms? They are too high up in the tree to reach from the ground or a ladder. Is there a systemic that can be applied to the base of the tree? They have taken over every tree in the backyard. My sprayer does not reach high enough to reach all of the nests.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 30, 2011

I would recommend Bt on the tree. Since the parent moth flies into the tree to lay eggs, treating the base will not help. This article has more information:

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Answered on April 30, 2011

I am also an urban plant enthusiast and grow both inside and outside. I find myself also everyday in the spring moving my plants following the sun rays. It feels like I am chasing the sun around my house and that includes three floors of windows facing West. I find that the three to four hours between 2pm and prior to daylight savings 5 pm. Now it goes on from 2pm to 7pm. But the work has yet to let me down. My plants emerge to the outdoors in superb condition, health and are strong hardy plants. I start to provide small amounts of nutrients to the water around end of March, in a very diluted manner. Then as the weeks pass by I add more and more nutrients especially nitrogen based to encourage growth. I freeze all banana peels and egg shells for summer use. So do not worry just keep moving those plants around till they are really to go outside.
Suzette Trimmer

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