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Q.Getting Butterfly To Amaryllis Bloom

Zone 10001 | Cjj44 added on April 28, 2023 | Answered

I was given some butterfly amaryllis about two years ago as a Christmas present. I think that they had been forced, because as soon as I planted them, they blossomed. I read that they did not need to be rested the way regular ones do, so I have kept them in the window and watered them for the entire time. Since that first blossom, they have not bloomed again. My regular amaryllises, on the other hand flower pretty much every year because I give them a rest., Should I be doing that with the butterfly amaryllis? They are in a south window, so they get a lot of light. I do not have a garden so they cannot be put outside during the summer. I will appreciate any suggestions on getting them to blossom again.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 28, 2023

These are, particularly, hungry and need quite a bit of light. Likely, they will need some feeding, and will appreciate some extra light. This may need to be in the form of synthetic lighting if you cannot provide sunlight.


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