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Gerbera Daisy Plants

Q.gerbera daisies are in pots now and I would like to save them over winter.

Zone 44077 | Anonymous added on August 29, 2019 | Answered

I live in northeast Ohio and I have gerbera daisies in pots on my patio. I would like to try and save them for next year. Ohio has very cold and snowy winters. Can I plant them in the ground either in pots or out of pots and have them survive the winter? If so, what could I do to accomplish this? If not, what else could I do?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 30, 2019

Gerbera daisies are hardy in zones 8-10 and you are in zone 6b. So you can't leave them outside at all over winter. If you have a greenhouse, that would be ideal, or a garage near a window would work. You need to keep it in a frost free area and reduce water and fertilizer. That will put it in somewhat of a dormant state for the winter. Then in the spring after danger of frost has passed, bring them back outside and resume water and fertilizer.

You can also try growing them indoors if you can give them enough sun without burning the leaves. Here are instructions:

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