Q.geranium (annual)
We started geraniums from seed. After transplanting seedling, the plants were kept too close together under light, and they are now leggy and wobbly. Is it ok to repot deeper than the height they are in now (2″x2″ pot) .. (we do this with tomatoes, but do not remember if it is ok to plant geraniums deep)
Another question .. since these same geraniums have gotten leggy, how far down the main stem would you recommend pinching/pruning?
Thank you for your assistance.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If the stem is elongated under the first set of leaves then you will not be able to cut it back. This will kill it. Generally, you will need to keep the plants at the same level, since these come from a basal rosette. Planting them deeper can kill them. When they are transplanted to a more suitable environment, then it will likely recover and grow shorter from there. This article will give you more information on growing geranium: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/geranium/geranium-care.htm